Viewing the properties of a driver

For a driver, information including the version number, provider, creation date and date imported are available in the Properties window. You can also see devices associated with the driver, the driver's origin, and whether or not the driver is digitally signed.

To view the properties of a driver

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Picture of the Software icon Software and choose Picture of the Drivers icon Drivers.

  2. From the right-hand pane, right-click the required driver and from the menu, choose Properties. The Driver Properties window contains details of the driver and the devices associated with the driver.

  3. Click OK.


  • To view the properties of a selected driver, you can also choose Picture of the Properties button in the toolbar, or from the File menu choose Properties, or in the right-hand pane double-click the driver.

  • You cannot modify the properties of a driver after you have imported it. To modify a driver's properties, you must delete it and then re-import it.

Related Topics

Import a driver

Delete a driver